
Monday, September 11, 2006


Nice blog

Friday, July 07, 2006

Time to Think
it's time to look around. start making your own world. some nice quotes.

"Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. On the contrary: rationalize them, understand them thoroughly. After that, it will be possible for you to sublimate them."

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

today while reading blog i got some nice quotes.

What Is Marriage?

Bluedragonrose1. Marriage is not a word. It's a sentence a life sentence.

2. Marriage is love. Love is blind. Therefore marriage is an institution for the blind.

3. Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his Bachelor, and the woman gets?her masters.

4. Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring
and suffering.

5. Married life is full of excitement: In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak, and the NEIGHBORS listen.

6. Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying.

7. Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

8. They say that when a man holds a woman's hand before marriage, it is love; after marriage it is self-defense.

9. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a 10-year married man looks happy, we wonder why.

10. There was this lover who said that he would go through hell for her. They got married, and now he is going through HELL.

11. Confucius says: a woman who sinks into a man's arm soon, will soon have her arms in the man's sink.

12. When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than
to let him keep her.

13. Eighty percent of married men cheat in America, the rest cheat in Europe.

14. After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin.
They can't face each other, but they still stay together.

15. Marriage is when man and a woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.

16. "I married Miss right, I just didn't know her first name was Always."

17. It's not true that married men live longer than single men,
It only seems longer.

18. Losing a wife can be hard. In my case, it was almost impossible.

19. A man was complaining to a friend: "I HAD IT ALL - MONEY, A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, THE LOVE OF A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, THEN POW! IT WAS ALL GONE." "WHAT HAPPENED?" asked his friend. He says "MY WIFE FOUND OUT."

20. WIFE: Let's go out and have some fun tonight. HUSBAND: OK, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway lights on.

21. At a cocktail party, one woman said to another: "AREN'T YOU WEARING YOUR RING ON THE WRONG FINGER?" The other replied, "YES, I AM. I MARRIED THE WRONG MAN."

22. Man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished.

23. No matter how often a married man changes his job, he still endsup with the same boss.

24. A man inserted an ad in the paper - WIFE WANTED. The next day he received two hundred forty eight?letters,?and they all said YOU CAN HAVE MINE.

25. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be
sure of one thing either the car is new or the wife is...

if my would be read that all.... i know i am going to have my dinner out for life time.....

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it oepns up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Most of the time love becomes your habit & I don't have habits. habit of any thing"

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bangalore is a city, Where u start enjoying only if u accepts the city as it is. Probably this thing is true for most of the things. few days back i was attending treat of one of my friend. There a discussion was started on the Bangalore city. there all of us were outsider of Bangalore Except one. every one was sharing his/her experiences about the bangalore. most of them were not good. but this is true to all the city. how could you compare a new city to your native. it has it's own Positive & Negative feedbacks. i am in bangalore for 3Yrs now & in this period i understood that you can enjoy here only if you accept the city as it is. if you try to search your city or similar kind of people, than for sure you are going to face big disappointment. I have started loving to be here now.